Fragments of My Life

Beach Life

At a beach on the Russian River – August 2014.

Chadwik and I spent this day with friends at a small beach on the Russian River, splashing in the water, hiking up and down the river’s edge, skipping rocks, eating, and relaxing in great company.

Being the “glow in the dark” kind of pale, we both retreated to the shade from time to time and managed to avoid burning. We always liked to take a few minutes together even during the busiest of events just to reconnect, touch base, and simply be in each other’s company.

Look at the size of those calves! He had a 10-speed bike as a teen that was stuck in the hardest gear and no money to get it fixed. He rode that bike up and down the hills of Marin and developed HUGE leg muscles. I love those legs!

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