Mother’s Day 2020
I have never been much of a fan of “Hallmark holidays” – the ones where the calendar tells you who to celebrate and that cards and gifts are expected.
I have always preferred the random approach. I was house-sitting and dog-watching for my parents when they were off on a trip a few years ago and just popped a huge bouquet on the table in their front entry the day before they got home so they would have something lovely to greet them on their return. That’s more my style.
But this year has been weird so I decided anything goes and I took a “do it yourself” approach and I painted this for Mom for Mother’s Day. It came out fairly well and Mom declared that she now had a “Jensen original” in her collection.
The weather was nice here that day, so my gift to myself for the day was a nice walk up the hill to deliver the gift and a brisk walk home after.