Impatient Patient
The strained/pulled tendon in my foot hasn’t gotten any better or any worse in the past week. The doctor advised skipping my twice-weekly CrossFit workouts (such as they are these days) for two weeks to give it a chance to heal up a bit. I am halfway through that time and I WANT TO LIFT THINGS!
My local CF gym opened in limited fashion this week and I really want to get in there are start lifting heavy things again.
Not only do I miss my CF family, but I also miss having something heavier than 62# to pick up (besides my own big ol’ butt).
I have been walking almost every day, trying to stay at least a little active. I have been keeping the pace closer to 3.5 mph, slightly slower than normal, and I have been careful stepping off curbs which is where all my trouble started this time. Depending on the heat – which has varied WIDELY from day to day – I will get in two to four miles after work.
I still do air squats and push-ups at work to get out of my chair every 45 minutes or I would sit for hours on end, engrossed in data entry or processing reports or analysis or whatever the main chore of the workday is. The push-ups are currently from the knees to avoid flexing the big toe on the left foot, so I doubled my usual rep numbers to make up for that.
Can I please be all better now so I can go play?