Fragments of My Life

Look at the size of that thing!

This was my husband Chad, my best friend, my teacher and boss, my everything. We loved to go to the Wednesday Night Market, people-watch, and shop at the farmer’s stalls. He is holding a batch of green onions we bought for $1. I was amazed at the size of them, had to wrap my head around the fact that they were not actually leeks. Then the gal at the stall told me they were only $1 and she wouldn’t take any more for them. I offered her $5 just for the novelty of them, but she wouldn’t take it. We used them to make a leek soup we like and the rest of them took us a fair week to finish off. We had onions with everything that week!

After Chad passed, my very talented niece Meaghan painted this image for me and that painting sits by his ash box for now.

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