Fragments of My Life
This is where I post memories - mostly with or about my late husband Chad, so far - from my life up to the end of 2019.
I Am
I am hardened in the fires of pain,Shaped on the anvil of loss,Yet am I soft, sleek and flexible,Like an otter playing in the waters of timeSliding down the muddy bank of yesterdays,Splashing…
A Heavy Topic
As you can see, I love picking up heavy things. I would never have imagined a decade ago that I would be able to do this, let alone enjoy it. But I love…
Making My Mark
This is my mark. For a simple line and squiggly curve, it holds a lot of meaning for me. First of all, it’s my initials – KJ. The first time I had to…
In the Redwoods
When the heat of Summer became too much, we would retreat to the shade and cool of Armstrong Redwoods. Arriving as the park opened, it was as though we had to woods to…
Beach Life
Chadwik and I spent this day with friends at a small beach on the Russian River, splashing in the water, hiking up and down the river’s edge, skipping rocks, eating, and relaxing in…
Our Natural Habitat
This was our favorite part of our gaming hobby – playing together. We were only able to attend a small handful of conventions each year between budget restrictions and my lack of vacations…
On Safari – 2013
There is an exotic animal preserve near our town and my Mom used to pack the family onto the tour bus every once in a while to go see the animals. Chad and…
Look at the size of that thing!
This was my husband Chad, my best friend, my teacher and boss, my everything. We loved to go to the Wednesday Night Market, people-watch, and shop at the farmer’s stalls. He is holding…
Angel Heart
This little heart contains a bit of my sweetie’s ash & bone. While he was sick, he used to tell me I was his angel. The inscription on the heart reads, “I used…