I Am
I am hardened in the fires of pain,
Shaped on the anvil of loss,
Yet am I soft, sleek and flexible,
Like an otter playing in the waters of time
Sliding down the muddy bank of yesterdays,
Splashing in the cold waters of today.
I am a wraith, a ghost,
Slipping past lives like a whisper,
I am a giver of life, a bearer of life,
A sentinel to life’s last breath.
I am love.
– KJ 2020.07.18
That bubbled up out of the murk in my head last night as I lay in bed pretending that I was eventually going to get to sleep. I often “write” in my head and sometimes I think to get it down in a more permanent form before it wisps away to nothingness again.
I found my journal this morning where I had left it on my desk, open to this most recent writing, my pen holding the page open. I had already forgotten that I got up in the darkness around midnight to scratch this one down.
I don’t usually share these little scribbles of mine. But this one says something to me and I want to set it free. So there it goes…