Moving Forward

Not Yet

I had this strange but fabulous experience the other day… I was sitting, thinking about Chadwik, remembering…

Suddenly, I was with him. I didn’t notice anything else about our surroundings, just him and I standing facing each other. I reached out and cupped his face in my right hand – a move I’ve done a thousand times over – and was rewarded with that smile that was always just for me.

There was a *click* – like two pieces designed for each other locking together. It wasn’t audible, just felt deep in my core. I knew he had felt it too. It felt right, felt like “us”.

He brushed the backs of his fingers across my cheek, then put both hands on my shoulders and turned me around, away from him. His smile held no sadness and just a hint of mischief. “Not yet,” he said.

And then I was sitting there… stunned, grateful, and puzzled.

What the heck was that?!?

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